Amerikiečių kolektyvas „Bear In Heaven“ praėjusį pavasarį išleido savo naujausią albumą „I Love You, It’s Cool“. Prieš keletą dienų buvo ekranizuotas dar vienas šio albumo kūrinių – daina „Sinful Nature“.
Beje, vaizdo klipą grupei sukūrė režisierius Yoonha Park, dirbęs ir su „M83“, „Beach House“ bei „Black Lips“ vaizdo klipais.
„Keep your mouth open like that on the sidewalk on a seetrt downtown and someone will come along see your open mouth lean a bit towards it and say”Hello.. I’d like a Double Cheese with Coke, and can I get a Frosty too?””Since you already got yours, where did you buy it?”———————————————————But what’s left for you to talk about? I’m sure you’ll find something from your fantasy world to amaze me.Looks like I nailed that one, except for the amazing part. Take your time separating fact, fiction and opinion. I know it’s a struggle for you but it’s worth it. The sooner you own up to your ignorance and incomprehensible but creative logic, the sooner we can both get on with our lives.Send me your corrections in a Christmas card. I’m sensitive to your learning challenges and cognitive misfortune so I’ll be patient and wait for you to catch up to the human race. Once you stop being an asshole, I think you’ll realize pretending to be perfect was really quite funny. Learn to laugh at yourself, everyone else does.