The World Is a Beautiful Place… – Picture of a Tree That Doesn’t Look Okay

Įdomią  twinkly emo/post – rock muziką kuriantys kolektyvas su liežuvį laužančiu pavadinimu „The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die” šiais metais išleido savo debiutinį albumą „Whenever, If Ever”. Vakar jie pristatė labai gražų, animuotą ir gamtos vaizdais išpuoštą vaizdo klipą vienai geriausių albumo dainų „Picture of a Tree That Doesn’t Look Okay”.

Komentaras apie “The World Is a Beautiful Place… – Picture of a Tree That Doesn’t Look Okay

  1. Astarod says:

    If ever i experienced the worst of slvarey, that time was during the first six months of my stay with Mr. Covey. We were worked in all weathers. It was never too hot or too cold. I choose this quote because it represents slvarey, it shows foreshadowing because the next six months that he stays with Mr. Covey are the worst six months


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