GYVAI: Frankie Animal – In The War (Vilnius Temperature)

Vilnius Temperature” kolektyvo vaikinai besisvečiuodami Estijoje prikalbino ir vieną jų indie roko grupę „Frankie Animal” surengti akustinį pasirodymą prieš jų kameras. Kaip visada puiku, kaip visada gražu, kaip visada verta jūsų dėmesio.

Komentaras apie “GYVAI: Frankie Animal – In The War (Vilnius Temperature)

  1. Roopa says:

    I’m so glad you enjoyed Written in the Bones! I tghuoht it was excellent; as another archaeologist wannabe, ancient remains and civilizations are always interesting.My father is a retired petroleum engineer and used to bring home core samples with tiny fossils embedded in them. Many of them were from Texas. were taken at Tabasco Field in 1952. My brother and I posed around lots of rigs, pipe, locations. My husband is also in the oil business, and once, after a dozer had almost finished with a location, we found the remains of Indian pottery…all broken, but with various colors and designs. Too late.


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