Wilco dalinasi rugsėjo pabaigoje pasirodysiančiu savo albumu „The Whole Love”

Wilco albumo "The Whole Love" viršelis

Amerikiečių roko grupė „Wilco” šiandien savo oficialioje svetainėje pasidalino naujuoju įrašu.

Aštuntasis studijinis albumas, kuris dienos šviesą turėtų išvysti rugsėjo 27 dieną, vadinsis „The Whole Love”. Jeff’as Tweedy ir grupė nusprendė nelaukti oficialios įrašo pasirodymo dienos ir leidžia savo gerbėjams perklausyti įrašą jau dabar. Beje, prie albumo perklausos oficialiame kolektyvo tinkalapyje wilcoworld.net rokeriai paliko žinutę: „Tai padėka už mūsų, jūsų ir mūsų protėvių darbą”.

ManoMUZIKA primena, kad Čikagos kolektyvas „Wilco” susikūrė dar 1994 metais. Per 17 grupės gyvavimo metų kolektyvo sudėtis keitėsi ne vieną kartą ir dabartiniame narių sąraše yra belikę tik du dar 1994- aisiais metais groję nariai – tai vokalistas Jeffas Tweedy ir bosistas Johnas Stirratas. 2005 metais „Wilco” laimėjo 2 prestižinius „Grammy” apdovanojimus.

Apačioje – grupės kūrinys „I Might”, įtrauktas į naująjį kolektyvo studijinį albumą.

Komentaras apie “Wilco dalinasi rugsėjo pabaigoje pasirodysiančiu savo albumu „The Whole Love”

  1. Joao says:

    you. In cities, water and sewer seystms are generally built and maintained by the cities themselves. Gas and electric are usually stockholder-owned business with exclusive city contracts.Cable service is also one of those. A utility. Your list of utility services omitted „telephone” service. Are you going to argue that phone service is also NOT a utility?Inasmuch as every cable company now offers cable TV, internet AND phone service, the „cable” companies are now utilities in two categories. With the federal push to put high-speed internet service in every home, the cable companies may soon perform a utility hat-trick.The Cable companies behavior is dictated by the franchise agreement (contract) they have with the local government.Oh. Are you now claiming the gas and electric companies serve municipalities free from any binding contracts? Doing whatever they please? Or are gas and electric companies legally bound to operate according to conditions established by government overseers? It’s pretty standard that they too have to seek the homeowner/occupier’s permission to enter the residence or yard.It’s pretty standard that homeowners have no choice about utility workers entering their yards. Yes, they can tell workers to get lost. But if work has to be done, the company will take the necessary legal steps to enter the yard.It’s not as though utility workers drop by and decide to invade your backyard because it’s bursting with flowers and they want to sit there while they eat lunch. I don’t see where they needed to go in guns blazing.Guns blazing? That means the cops were firing their weapons. Did not happen.Yes there is a gun in the house but that doesn’t require pointing guns at her children. Really? Care to guess how many 16-year-olds shoot at others? Only someone with no gun experience and no gun sense would believe what you wrote. I see the cable company as the problem here. Does anyone on this post really believe that the cable co people were in fear as a result of the homeowner’s actions when they stayed in the yard for another three hours working?As employees of the cable company the workers had a responsibility to report that an occupant of a house at a job-site was carrying a handgun. It is NOT up the employees to decide if she is a psycho nut or not. That’s for the cops.But if I worked for the cable company and a co-worker had seen a home occupant holding a gun, I would want the cable company to take steps to ensure my safety before I was sent to work at the same location. Is she a psycho nut who might shoot a cable worker? Based on her appearance in the photo, she is a psycho nut. If she had been dressed in black ninja robes and holding a gun when the cable crew arrived, the crew would have had more than enough reason to think she was a kook.Because in order to charge assault and prove it beyond a reasonable doubt someone has to be in reasonably fear for their life.You have no idea what you’re jabbering about. Assault has nothing to do with „fearing for one’s life.” So where is that element? Without it the charge falls.She committed an act of intimidation by showing the weapon in an unlawful circumstance. She wears ninja costumes and teenagers live in her house. One of her sons was murdered. She never mentioned taking a firearms safety course. Or knowing anything about handling oneself under fire. Or knowing what happens in one’s head when fear is taking over. In short, she’s unstable.What does it add up to? A decision to take away her gun. The right decision.


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