Naujas ir labai teigiamas The Wombats video

Vos prieš kelias dienas pasirodė naujas britų indie rock’o grupės „The Wombats” video klipas singlui iš balandžio 25 dieną pasirodysiančio antrojo jų albumo „The Wombats Proudly Present: This Modern Glitch”. Labai pozityviai nuteikiantis ir daug „juokučių” savyje slepiantis video kūriniui, kuris vadinasi „Anti-D”, buvo nufilmuotas iš pirmo karto. Jį režisavo Marc Klasfeld’as, labiausiai žinomas už klipus hip-hop atlikėjams, tokiems kaip Clipse, Jay-Z ir panašiai.

4 Komentarai apie “Naujas ir labai teigiamas The Wombats video

  1. Prince says:

    dj kirkby ~ Wow! I never eceextpd to get so many people anxious for another post! LOL I shall try to get it posted on Tuesday because I’ll be insanely busy the rest of the week. My Oz story (all true!) will be a byrd ~ Exactly. Even though I have never met or may never meet some of my blogger, cyber or board people, they are no less friends than ones I can have lunch with. I love them all the same.trixie ~ Maybe out paths crossed! I was supposed to travel to Queensland but the cost was extraordinary so I stayed put in Melbourne. Steve Irwin’s death was so tragic.rupert ~ Yes, SIR!ron ~ Thank you, so much. I’m flattered, you’ve paid me a wonderful compliment.casdok ~ Since I rambled on about enjoying Australia so much I kind of lost the thread of where I was going so I decided to make it a series!akelamalu ~ It went in a direction I didn’t expect but it was beautiful.loving annie ~ Thank you, Annie! My trip to Oz is one of my most precious memories.get8more ~ There definitely is more, and more. Oh! and MORE!Deena ~ Thank you for stopping by, always a pleasure! That’s me and my „blonde” daughter, she loved that wig!fc ~ I KNOW! I’m vicariously living through Trixie when she talks of her pubs. I desperately wanted to move to Australia (not just for the pubs) but my age worked against me. I couldn’t bear the thought of marrying again just to be able to live in Oz so I’m stuck in the States.jeff b ~ No apology necessary. You’ll notice I’m erratic lately as well. Thank you!ronjazz ~ Mmmmm …. you’re strapped down? Where’s my flogger?indigo ~ I did make a wish! It was so beautiful just arching over that pasture. Amelia and I are still soul-friends, even half a world apart. I only hope we get to see each other ~ Oh! I’m so sorry! You’ll get the ‘net back, won’t you? Have no fear, you will get to know the ending and it’s really, really good!


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