Vos prieš kelias dienas pasirodė naujas britų indie rock’o grupės „The Wombats” video klipas singlui iš balandžio 25 dieną pasirodysiančio antrojo jų albumo „The Wombats Proudly Present: This Modern Glitch”. Labai pozityviai nuteikiantis ir daug „juokučių” savyje slepiantis video kūriniui, kuris vadinasi „Anti-D”, buvo nufilmuotas iš pirmo karto. Jį režisavo Marc Klasfeld’as, labiausiai žinomas už klipus hip-hop atlikėjams, tokiems kaip Clipse, Jay-Z ir panašiai.
dj kirkby ~ Wow! I never eceextpd to get so many people anxious for another post! LOL I shall try to get it posted on Tuesday because I’ll be insanely busy the rest of the week. My Oz story (all true!) will be a 4-parter.fire byrd ~ Exactly. Even though I have never met or may never meet some of my blogger, cyber or board people, they are no less friends than ones I can have lunch with. I love them all the same.trixie ~ Maybe out paths crossed! I was supposed to travel to Queensland but the cost was extraordinary so I stayed put in Melbourne. Steve Irwin’s death was so tragic.rupert ~ Yes, SIR!ron ~ Thank you, so much. I’m flattered, you’ve paid me a wonderful compliment.casdok ~ Since I rambled on about enjoying Australia so much I kind of lost the thread of where I was going so I decided to make it a series!akelamalu ~ It went in a direction I didn’t expect but it was beautiful.loving annie ~ Thank you, Annie! My trip to Oz is one of my most precious memories.get8more ~ There definitely is more, and more. Oh! and MORE!Deena ~ Thank you for stopping by, always a pleasure! That’s me and my „blonde” daughter, she loved that wig!fc ~ I KNOW! I’m vicariously living through Trixie when she talks of her pubs. I desperately wanted to move to Australia (not just for the pubs) but my age worked against me. I couldn’t bear the thought of marrying again just to be able to live in Oz so I’m stuck in the States.jeff b ~ No apology necessary. You’ll notice I’m erratic lately as well. Thank you!ronjazz ~ Mmmmm …. you’re strapped down? Where’s my flogger?indigo ~ I did make a wish! It was so beautiful just arching over that pasture. Amelia and I are still soul-friends, even half a world apart. I only hope we get to see each other again.george ~ Oh! I’m so sorry! You’ll get the ‘net back, won’t you? Have no fear, you will get to know the ending and it’s really, really good!
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