Cold Specks – Blank Maps

Nuostabaus balso atlikėja Cold Specks pristato naują vaizdo klipą „Blank Maps“.

Kūrinys pasirodys debiutiniame dainininkės albume „I Predict A Graceful Expulsion“, kuris muzikos prekių parduotuves pasieks jau gegužės 21 dieną. Primename, jog šiai atlikėjai vos 23-eji metai, ji gyvena Londone, o albumą įrašinėja padedama ilgamečio PJ Harvey kolegos – bugnininko ir prodiuserio Rob Elis, neseniai dirbusio su  “Mercury“ prizo nominante Annai Calvi.

Vaizdo klipą dainai „Blank Maps“ režisavo video kūrėjas Olivier Groulx.

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  1. Jayy says:

    thanks, i’ll check it out@ super cute super easy: thanks miss! your nails are just as percfet haha (:@ anon: spew youuuuu@ ana: haha yeah. i think the ultimate evil is that they have some really good colors so i can’t help but go back for them! D:@ kumi: mm i don’t know.. the sales people have seen me check the brushes recently and didn’t say anything though! haha. sweeeet that top coat sounds awesome :D@ agratmahla: yep, never hurts to be extra careful!@ jenni: yeah this one totally went under the radar cause it just seemed so average at a glance. eww thats so gross, i hate when people ruin percfetly good items like that!!@ miss blue: since it’s agreed that the brushes suck, maybe they’ll take a hint and make them a bit more manageable! i thought it was just me lol. just start off reallyyy carefully when you try them out. i managed to get by without cleanup, just took me a bit longer than usual to get this mani done (:@ exah: yeapp, the price is really fair even with the crazy brushes! 😀


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