Ganėtinai greit populiarėjantis trio iš Londono „London Grammar” kuria puikų indie pop, kurio priešakyje – įstabus vokalistės Hannah Reid balsas. Naujausias kūrinys, kuriame galime įsitikinti jos vokalo grožiu – „Strong”. Šią dainą bus galima įsigyti, kaip singlą, nuo rugsėjo 1 dienos, o mes ir toliau nekantriai laukiame debiutinio grupės albumo.
Now that is a strange conmmet. I was just thinking how odd it was that other publications used Nom, Voc, Gen, Dat, Able! Bennett was an American Latinist and for some reason he used the alternative method. And most American students have used Bennett and Bennett’s students grew up to teach Latin and write Latin text books. So that is the reason for the difference. I can certainly see the value to the European model but it would be confusing to Americans to now change the Bennett model to the European. And if there is one thing all Latin students hate is change!
It’s about time someone wrote about this.