Grupės „Grizzly Bear” vokalistas Danielis Rossenas pradėjo reikštis internetinėje muzikos kūrinių dalinimosi erdvėje „Soundcloud” ir pristatė savo 2009 gruodį įrašytą kūrinį, kuriam, deja, nesugalvojo pavadinimo. Tiesa, kūrinys nėra baigtas, tačiau, kaip rašo pats kūrėjas, „jis yra per senas, kad su juo būtų dirbama toliau, todėl tikrai nebus pristatytas pasauliui jokiame kitame formate”.
Good points, Ty. I coteepmlly agree that I always tend to lean toward creating a simple, yet informative syllabus as well. I don’t want my students to be so overwhelmed with pictures and sounds, that they overlook the most important aspects of the course. It is sad that so many students check out of the syllabus early before reading it till the very end. I do like the idea of imbedding links to the modules and other helpful sites. I plan to do more of that as well. I think it all comes down to knowing your student population and trying to determine how we can best get the information to them. Community college students who happen to take an online course may find a busy site overwhelming while other distance students who register for online courses only may enjoy a more interactive approach.