Praėjusiais metais Lietuvoje viešėjęs kanadiečių muzikos prodiuseris „Caribou” pristato debiutinį savo naujo elektroninės šokių muzikos projekto „Daphni” albumą „Jiaolong”.
Visą albumą galite perklausyti ČIA.
Viršuje – puikus antrasis albumo kūrinys, „Cos Ber Zam” kūrinio „Ne Noya” remiksas.
I submit this post with some amivbalence and trepidation.I wonder if anyone else is as unhappy as I am about the relocation of the Stamford tournament to its current home. Informal conversations at the couple tournaments I have attended in Brooklyn suggest that I am not alone in this view. I find the venue massively inconvenient and difficult to find and reach. I find the area to be unattractive, unpleasant, even somewhat menacing. I realize that this may be surprising and irrational, especially inasmuch as I lived for many years on the West Side of Manhattan, and inasmuch as I have friends in Brooklyn Heights and Park Slope. Nevertheless, I tend to feel trapped, almost incarcerated in the hotel, for the entire weekend, and I feel relieved when it is time to leave.The hotel-related expenses in Brooklyn are astronomical. No doubt prices at Stamford have also risen since we were last there, but I suspect that Brooklyn is twice as expensive as Stamford, especially if you factor in parking fees and/or taxi fares incurred in Brooklyn (not to mention that $20 martini (literally they snuck in some ultra top-shelf brand on me). I decided to attend a couple years in Brooklyn to give it a chance, and see if my reaction changed or evolved. Unfortunately, it hasn’t. My understanding is that the immediate rationale for the move out of Stamford was that the attendance was more than Stamford could accommodate comfortably. But the statistics appear to show that the last year at Stamford was the high water mark, and that attendance has somewhat dwindled since then. I do not know whether the change in venue was a partial cause of this decline, but I do known that I personally did not attend several times, when I would have attended in Stamford. Usually when you see one mouse, there are others, and presumably the same goes for mice you don’t see.I’m not sure what, if any, concrete action I’m suggesting. Nothing as dramatic as an insurrection. But I have noticed with interest the multitude of petitions circulated on the Internet over the past couple years, in support of various causes and interests, some of them very specific and particularized. And I am curious to know (a) to what extent others agree with me and (b) whether anyone would be interested in joining with me in some sort of concerted appeal to push for an alternative venue.Bruce
That’s a smart answer to a tricky question