Leedso grupė „Hey Sholay” gal ir nėra pats populiariausias indie roko kolektyvas Lietuvoje, tačiau net neabejojame, kad greitu metu apie juos išgirsime vis daugiau.
Prieš porą dienų grupė pristatė naują dainą „WDYRWMTB”
Leedso grupė „Hey Sholay” gal ir nėra pats populiariausias indie roko kolektyvas Lietuvoje, tačiau net neabejojame, kad greitu metu apie juos išgirsime vis daugiau.
Prieš porą dienų grupė pristatė naują dainą „WDYRWMTB”
Of course, this stanemett by Sascha Sippy means we all must agree that Gabbar whose „body count” in Sholay rivals that of the T-800 terminator cyborg in the film Terminator was what is known as a „Green Bandit”- while he bumped off people like flies in the film -the preservation of the flora and fauna also occupied much of his time!!!What a laughable and riduculous suggestion that Gabbar or rather the (so-called) claimed trademark would be tarnished in any way by use in this context! Where is the use in the course of trade and /or liklihood of confusion? Surely the use of the so called „mark” is with due cause (remember the defence to defamation- fair comment?)Dont miss a great opportunity to critique such (mis)use of IP (or an attempt to do so).