Chance The Rapper – Everybody’s Something

Jaunas ir stabiliai kylantis amerikiečių reperis „Chance The Rapper” pristato naują muzikinį video savo kūriniui „Everybody’s Something”, kuris, vien savo iš legendinio kolektyvo „Slum Village” singlo „Fall In Love” paimto instrumentalo dėka, negali būti prastas.

Beje, tą neprastumą užtikrina gale kūrinio (nuo maždaug 2:54) skambantys improvizuoti „Fall In Love” akordai su esminiu soul muzikos priskoniu. Trumpai, bet užtikrintai.

Vaizdo klipą režisavo Austin Vesely.


2 Komentarai apie “Chance The Rapper – Everybody’s Something

  1. Ian says:

    Hi Raggedy ~~ I agree with Jerry ~ great quote and we sure can learn a lot from kids. Thanks for your comments and the card. Happy to say the wind has gone for now, and it didn’t bring any more rain.Take care, my finred, Much love, Merle.

  2. Ali says:

    Muro can be a definitely cool aciplpation but unfortunately deviantART offers next to no explanation on the inner workings of it, at least that I used to be able to find, which is why I chose to leave it off this list.


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