Jauna britų atlikėja Aria dovanoja savo debiutinį kūrinį „Eyes Wide Open”. Tiems, kas myli tokio kalibro dainininkes kaip Jessie Ware, Aria muzika taip pat turėtų patikti.
Labai miela, šilta ir tikrai dėmesio verta daina šįkart atiduodama manoMUZIKOS skaitytojų teismui.
GD Star Ratingloading…nice. but i bet welfair pays for the needs.or penras do.. house food. etc and school. i was a teen mom too. But i had to pay my own way thru school & provide. There was no help, ever a mdical card or food stamp or a parent to help. Yes i went to schoool. But kids weaken your teeth. leave stretch marks. ruin your boobs and then suck u dry till you have nothing else to give and they do this for yrs. If i could go back i would not have kids. i was a good mom , rocking chair mom & loving.GD Star Ratingloading…