Šiemet pristatę savo penktąjį albumą „AM“ britų rokeriai „Arctic Monkeys“ dalinasi gražiu, akustiniu pasirodymu, kurio metu pristatomas „No. 1 Party Anthem” kūrinys iš naujojo disko. Jei daina patiks ir norėsite išgirsti daugiau, paspaudę ČIA rasite „I Wanna Be Yours” kūrinio gyvą atlikimą.
/ This joint is so Serious… I could get my MechaGodzilla on… Breathe flame on the landscape… Straight stfrae and deliver harm… Verbally. Plague men…. Destroy and dissuade them… Assault like Insurgents…. Deploy and engage in…Warfare. Off air… All here get demolished…On stage?!?… My idle hands… Are still iron and polished…Understand me my Nigga… Better yet Ovastand this…I Majored in Onslaught…and Minored in Anguish…Behind concrete BK bunkers I languished…Wagin war since we used fists… And switchblades were brandished…I’m grown for all yung bawsYawl should carry my gunny sack…I’ll buy your albums… break the CDs…Make you give me… my money back…Nigga I play… But I don’t play all the time…Every bar I spit is hardened jargon…Every rhyme!!…Warfare! Off air… All here get demolished…On stage?!?… My idle hands… Are still iron and polished…GD Star Ratinga WordPress rating system