The Big Pink – Give It Up

Pristatome jums kolektyvo „The Big Pink” naujausią vaizdo klipą kūriniui „Give It Up” iš neseniai pasirodžiusio jų albumo „Future This”. Niekuo ypatingas, bet su nuotaika, muzikinis video tikrai puikiai dainai.

Komentaras apie “The Big Pink – Give It Up

  1. Alexandre says:

    That was the way all Aubignys fell in love. As if struck by a psiotl. This quote displays irony because Armand had fallen in love with Desiree quickly but when he found out that she might not be white, he immediately fell out of love with her. This is almost the opposite of what had happened with the elder Aubigny, Armand’s father because he fell in love with Armand’s mother despite her race.


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