Islandų „Seabear“ kolektyvo siela ir idėjinis vadas Sindri Már Sigfússon, scenoje prisistatantis trumpiniu Sin Fang, vakar pasidalino nauju vaizdo klipu.
Kūrinys „Only Eyes“ yra iš rytoj pasirodysiančio nepilno albumo (EP) pavadinimu „Half Dreams“. Tai bus penktasis solinis atlikėjo įrašas.
I just finished To Walk The Night. I enyjeod it through to the end. The early goings, with character development where slow when it came to action but the story telling was good enough to keep me entertained. Then the action turned on like a light switch! The last two-thirds or the book were action packed! There were twists I didn’t expect and an ending that left me craving more! Good job Eric! I am on the edge of my seat waiting for book two!