Neseniai savo naują trumpą albumą „House Of Baasa” išleidę eksperimentinę electro pop muziką grojantys amerikiečiai „Zambri” neseniai pristatė savo vaizdo klipą kūriniui „All You Maybes”.
Animaciją klipui kūrė Johnny Woodsas.
Neseniai savo naują trumpą albumą „House Of Baasa” išleidę eksperimentinę electro pop muziką grojantys amerikiečiai „Zambri” neseniai pristatė savo vaizdo klipą kūriniui „All You Maybes”.
Animaciją klipui kūrė Johnny Woodsas.
Thanks, Stone!My experience with pechaes is limited to a single tree my grandma had growing outside her kitchen window. But I do remember it produced enough pechaes every year to give us pechaes for eating, and a few jars of jelly. Actually, a few people have told me they didn’t think I could grow pechaes here, but I almost exactly as far north-south as my grandma was, and other than it being a slightly different soil here and a few degrees hotter in summer, a bit less rain, everything else is the same. The tree is doing so well considering the conditions last year. I just had really expected some fruit to set, seeing so many blossoms. I’ve never seen it happen like this before. My experience with the bees here is too limited. I remember when the problem first made the news, I lived in Florida. I still had PLENTY of bees, but a beekeeper friend of mine told me his hives were declining more than usual. I do know I’ve seen lots of bees here before, but I didn’t take note of what months (only been here two years) so I can’t honestly say how bad it is or isn’t that I’ve only seen one. I don’t think I could burn down my blueberries! Maybe. Someday. If it REALLY works I MIGHT be able too, once I have plenty of bushes and may burn part each year. If it was REALLY beneficial. I’ll have to keep that in mind. It’s unthinkable to me right now, LOL. I’m still thinking about the bees. I’ve been toying with the idea for some years. I don’t use a huge amount of honey, so I didn’t feel pushed for that reason, and before it’s always been enough that I planted pollen sources and lots came in. If it’s really needed though, I may do my part and set up some hives. I usually notice in Craigslist a few times a year people begging to have someone come remove colonies though I’m not sure I could be up to doing that. I’d probably order some or get what’s needed to start from a friend. Missing bees surely can be a disaster for the crops though. You’ve given me something to think about I’m not at all educated on native pollinators. I was thinking of doing a post about these swarms of caterpillars that are building cocoons all over my house but I have no idea what kind they are! Good to hear from you have a great day!