Pristatome dar vieną vaizdo įrašą, kuriame atskleidžiamos muzikinio vaizdo klipo gamybos paslaptys. Šį kartą Jūsų dėmesiui – naujo „Bon Iver” klipo kūriniui „Beth/Rest” kūrybinis procesas ir nematyti kadrai. Taip pat išgirsite grupės lyderio Justino Vernono ir kitų vaizdo kūrėjų interviu.
Well, disagree stlrogny about So Appalled, disagree less stlrogny about Devil in a New Dress, and I’m really up in the air about Blame Game : you might be right there, although the audacity of its absurdity is a little compelling. I like the interlude and the end of Runaway (though it’s the song I might be the most iffy on). As to Who Will Survive in America, well, nope: Gil Scott-Heron can close EVERY album and that’d suit me fine.But, as to whether it deserved a 10, I’d probably agree that it doesn’t. It’s certainly one of the best hip hop albums in quite a while, though. Kanye’s good for nothing if not arguing over