2009 metais iš ryškiausių punk scenos grupių narių susikūręs kolektyvas „OFF!” paskelbė savo planus išleisti naują albumą. Jau antrasis grupės pilnas studijinis albumas pasirodys gegužės 8 dieną.
„OFF!” sudėtis: Keith Morris – vienas grupės „Balck Flag” įkūrėjų bei ilgametis kolektyvo „Circle Jerks” pagrindinis vokalistas; Dimitri Coats – iš grupės „Burning Brides” Dimitri Coats; Mario Rubalcaba – kolketyvų „Hot Snakes”, „Rocket From the Crypt” bei „Earthless” narys; ir Stevenas McDonaldas iš „Redd Kross”.
Įdomus faktas, pagal „OFF!” „pilnas studijinis albumas” reiškia 16 dainų per 16 minučių!
Albumas vadinsis „OFF!”. Kūrinių sąrašas – apačioje:
01 Wiped Out
02 I Got News For You
03 Elimination
04 Cracked
05 Wrong
06 Borrow and Bomb
07 Toxic Box
08 Man From Nowhere
09 Jet Black Girls
10 King Kong Brigade
11 Harbor Freeway Blues
12 Feelings Are Meant to Be Hurt
13 Vaporized
14 503
15 Zero for Conduct
16 I Need One (I Want One)
I am writing from Thailand where I am on hatleh retreat and undergoing non-pharmaceutical treatment a moderate condition until end April. Return to Colorado 1st.May. Thailand society has not wed itself to big pharma. Herbal and other natural treatment programmes are held in high respect and are not allowed to be diminished by big pharma politics.I have utmost respect for this care of the people. I digress. I could easily participate in the programmed from 14th.January, but I am glad for Dimitre. I remember his quoted comment quite well. There are many such on purveyors’ websites but his felt authentic. Glad for the confirmation.I am laid very low financially by a head-on collision from drunk driver 3.5yrs past. State Farm has refused reasonable compensation and I have used nearly all of my resources to pay for hatleh recovery expense and it continues into this last stage of brain trauma. I have just enough reserve wit to overcome this life circumstance.My long-term plan is to trade in commodity futures but it was necessary to begin with simple stock transactions since opening my acct. April.08. I have traded carefully while in education phase, feeling live trade was important to that process. I up just a small percent and grateful for that. It means to me that I am learning first things first , i.e. money and risk mgt.I’ve now added some option and ETF trades to my field of application. I do not know when I could afford the tuition ..later in 2010 perhaps, say Attumn.CheersWilliam